Approach to the Software Development Process

Approach to the Software Development Process


From it, you will learn

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What are the development stages and our approaches to them?

Software development consists of different stages, which contain many essential processes. Learn about each of them and our best approaches that make them most stable, transparent, and efficient.

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How do we ensure the quality of development and maintenance?

Find out how much we put on testing to ensure a high-quality product at the release stage and continuous and effective product improvement at the maintenance stage.

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How do we manage a team of professionals productively?

Learn which practices we use to manage a team of professionals during the active development stage to make their work and communication completely seamless and most productive.

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How do we make a profitable foundation for a project?

Find out how, even at the discovery stage, we help you evaluate an idea, make the best plan for its development, and choose the most profitable solutions for its implementation.

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How do we build mutually beneficial relationships?

See what principles we follow to bring the most value to the customer, provide good opportunities for employees, and move the company into a bright future.

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And much nore

We believe that the secret to success is an open exchange of knowledge and experience. You'll find many practical aspects of development here that are not obvious but extremely important.

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Tony Fedorenko

Tony Fedorenko

Head of Delivery