EVM Blockchain Software Solutions

EVM Blockchain
Software Solutions

We develop blockchain solutions to help our digital
future become genuinely transparent, secure, and free.

We have extensive experience developing various blockchain-based EVM compatible solutions for decentralized systems.

Trusted By



The Lido is a platform that solves the issues with Ethereum staking. Lido’s goal is to let all users stake assets and get daily rewards. This project resulted from a perfect match between the clients' desires and Mad Devs' capabilities.



Roci.Fi is a decentralized credit economy with non-transferable, blockchain-native credit scores designed to facilitate zero and under-collateralized lending. It consists of an on-chain lending protocol and credit score.


Advantages of Mad Devs

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Internal Crypto Community

We have a solid internal crypto community that believes in and works for the advanced development and implementation of blockchain technology, including our own blockchain-based projects.

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Test Driven Development

Full test coverage is one of our core principles, so we successfully practice Test Driven Development. It allows us to inspire confidence, guarantee the expected result and meet the required standards.

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Testnet & Mainnet

We work with both the main net and test net. It allows us to provide flexible and stable solutions you can trust, increase development speed, and reduce costs.

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Qualify of Your Blockchain Needs

Blockchain is designed for specific purposes, and we first help you find out if it fits your goals and is necessary for your product or company. If not, we will suggest a better alternative.

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Open Source Projects

We truly believe in future world decentralization, so we also develop open-source blockchain projects and use the most advanced practices and technologies.

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Profound Research and Detailed Specs

We always do in-depth research and choose the best solutions. We also write comprehensive specifications before developing smart contracts so that the result strictly meets the original requirements.

Solutions We Provide

  • Development of Crypto Exchange Platforms

    We develop flexible and stable systems which can handle more than 300K requests per second in matchmaker with different request types. Thanks to our experience with the load on the network and database, great accuracy numbers, logging, monitoring, and testing.

  • Smart-contracts and dApps Development

    With extensive expertise in different subject areas, we develop smart contracts for any business purpose, are compatible with all existing intelligent contracts, and work for on-chain and off-chain.

  • Engaging projects with L2 Solutions

    We have in-depth experience developing projects on L2 networks, such as Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, etc., and porting existing projects to reduce transaction costs and increase their speed.

  • Building Crypto Projects Infrastructure

    We have extensive expertise in developing a full range of blockchain-based solutions. For example, the development of secure and reliable multi-currency wallets and crypto exchanges is developed. Or multifunctional APIs for Web3 applications. And a wide variety of web applications and dashboards for blockchain monitoring, automatic seamless update, and delivery systems for blockchain and blockchain ecosystem.

  • Various Chains Integrations

    We have expertise in EVM-compliant blockchains and beyond. We can help you choose the best blockchain for your solution or integrate multiple chains for your business purposes.

  • DeFi Development

    We develop secure decentralized crypto exchanges. And integrate existing solutions, e.g., create pools for Uniswap, Curve, Balancer, Aave, etc., integrate Chainlink oracles, and integrate with bridges like Wormhole.

  • Building Development Processes

    We ensure that the code quality standards and documentation details are met. We also ensure that the linter and automated tests are properly included in the CI/CD pipeline and that they run simply, smoothly, and consistently.

  • Automatic Testing

    Automatic testing is the best way to ensure the product meets all requirements. So unit testing, integration testing, and other kinds of testing accompany our development throughout any project's life and allow us to improve the product in the most efficient ways constantly.

Processes We Build and Risks We Prevent

Any blockchain technology requires to follow principles that ensure open, transparent, and secure. It is essential when blockchain technology is used as a financial instrument and carries great financial responsibility. 

That's why we pay great attention to every process, such as processes synchronization of the development and testing team, strict planning and detailed specs writing, and different testing types at every stage of development. 

We've carefully collected the best practices of all processes in our Process Ebook, which you can download here. Enjoy your reading!

Read Ebook




Programming language to implement smart contracts on blockchains such as Ethereum.











































The decentralized open-source blockchain that features smart contracts. The native currency of the platform is Ether.



The blockchain-based scaling solution reduces the complexity and speed of transactions on networks.


BNB chain

The innovative contract-based parallel blockchain enables decentralized apps to operate without a central authority.

Case Studies

Let’s Go to a Better
Future Together

Let us help you make a decentralized, transparent, and secure future your actual present.


Tony Fedorenko

Head of Delivery


Building a unique NFT marketplace from stratch

Building a Unique NFT Marketplace from Scratch

The popularity of digital marketplaces for various types of products is increasing daily. NFTs are becoming popular outside of the crypto sphere, meaning NFT marketplaces are evolving as well.Marketplaces are where the general public can interact with content creators and are the entities responsible for facilitating NFT trading. Now, every content creator can become a prominent market seller just by participating in NFT marketplaces. As a new industry, there’s plenty of space for new ideas and niches. Thinking about creating your own NFT marketplace? In this article, we’ll discuss the various steps and costs involved.Non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces are Web3 applications that allow people to buy and sell various types of NFTs. Some marketplaces are open to the public, such as those that allow people with crypto wallets to buy and sell their own NFTs. Others are not open to the public and only allow certain companies and brands to sell their NFTs.With an NFT marketplace, people can easily create accounts and sell their digital artworks and other items. Niche marketplaces are usually more in demand than standard ones due to their specialized features and ability to sell various types of art.The users of an NFT marketplace must first install a digital wallet to operate. This app stores the data of the owner's files on the blockchain, which is different from the data stored on a disk drive. In addition, it allows users to create collections by displaying the work or digital item they want to buy. They can then choose the payment token they want to accept.After the item has been listed, the transaction will be created following the auction. The creator's wallet then launches a smart contract to spell out the terms of the deal between the buyer and the seller. The blockchain network automatically generates and validates this deal.The transaction is then irreversible, as various operational costs are involved in a digital transaction. For instance, the energy costs associated with brokering a transaction, the gas fee, are usually included in the cost of an NFT. As a result, marketplaces use NFTs to charge a fee whenever funds are transferred.